Smart Tiger-OR-Smarter Alpine?

From: wyndham c (lytebrite(at)
Date: Sun May 25 1997 - 11:33:35 CDT

The reasoning behind the Alpine choice and not the Tiger was not only
mechanical, but for the story line, as well. Being an enthusiastic Alpine
owner, I am proud to say that the Alpine carried "Miata" populist status in
the old days and was not primarily seen as being ultra chic and top of the
line. This stayed in line with Maxwell Smart's less than stellar status as
a secret agent. His following cars (Karmann Ghia and Fiat Spyder) keep this
train of thought in tact. To own a high powered machine such as the Tiger
would have been the antithesis of Smart being the everyman secret agent.

'67 Sunbeam Alpine S.V
'67 Sears 150 scooter
'64 Flabby 148 carcass
'94 BMW 530iT wagon (new toy)

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