Re: Net Sites

ROBERT WILLIS (herbeam(at)
Mon, 3 Feb 1997 07:37:35 -0800

-----Original Message----- From: Jay Laifman <Jay_Laifman(at)> To: alpines(at) <alpines(at)> Date: Thursday, March 05, 1998 11:07 PM Subject: Net Sites

>I just compiled a list for someone of the Internet Sites I have that relate
>to Sunbeams. I just kept bookmarks on these from time to time. Does
>anyone know of any others to add to the list? I seem to recall at least
>one of our listers mentioned his and I accidentally didn't save it.
> (this is the Get Smart
Add these sites to the list :

There are other personal Sunbeam web sites in Europe and Australia that can be found by Web Search too