RE: King Dick wrenches

Christie, Scott E. (Scott.Christie(at)
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 10:37:17 -0500

Jay and others - of the toolkits I've inspected, it looks like the most correct King Dick adjustable spanner is roughly 4 1/2 inches long, with a thumbwheel in the handle, and the words "King Dick" on the side of the adjusting piece (the top prong)- I hope my poor description makes sense. They're not too hard to find at British car flea markets, but they almost never work properly as they were of poor quality to begin with. My .02. Scott Christie Series 3 Alpine Registry

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Laifman [SMTP:Jay_Laifman(at)]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 1998 6:12 PM
> To: alpines(at)
> Subject: King Dick wrenches
> I have found someone who will sell me a King Dick wrench, except that
> he
> has three different kinds. They all allegedly came from Alpines or
> Tigers,
> but I don't know which, nor does he. I have not seen them. But, I am
> told
> that the lettering of "King Dick" is different and in different places
> on
> two of them, and on the third, "King Dick" is not on the wrench.
> Also,
> there is an emblem on some of them, which may or may not be in the
> correct
> place. My car is a very late Series V. So how about a survey of
> what
> everyone's King Dick looks like? And, can you describe it with a
> straight
> face without mentioning its length?
> Jay