RE: King Dick wrenches

William Lewis (wrlewis(at)
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 11:55:55 -0800 (PST)

Somewhere on the web are pictures of the tools that came with our cars. I printed these pictures last year and have hard copies that I take with me to the swap meets. I can't remember where the pictures are located on the web and have been unable to locate them this morning. Does anyone remember the address?

I had a 4 core radiator put into my car last summer. Probably overkill, but it solved most of my overheating problems. Air movement throught a 4 core radiator is poor at idle, so I had to built a sheet metal shroud to help the airflow. I don't like the way the shroud looks, but it works for now. I am going to try a few other tricks, like moving the fan closer to the radiator to see if I can do away with the shroud. The local radiator shop put the quad core in for me and they simply used an off the shelf core. Cost me about $150 if I remember correctly. A 3 core radiator might actually be the best core in these cars with optimal airflow at idle and sufficient water cooling at speed.

But what the heck do I know?

Bill Lewis Series II (needing bumper rechroming)