Re: Comments Please

Jeff Howarth (jeff(at)
Sat, 14 Mar 1998 22:43:50 +0000


you raised a great point for discussion, can I add what I hope are a couple of valuable comments.

The SAOC also operates a life member scheme although this may be restricted insome way, (I am a life member, at 38 I hope it represents value for money as I am carefull how I cross the freeway. Although I am currently rebuilding the brakes on my Sunbeam....... 8-)

The membership fees issue is a dual edged sword, I have just paid 16 pounds ( 26 dollars) to get at dollar cheque to send for my CAT membership to Bonnie, if I did this each year ot would virtually double the cost of membership (if I missed a trick please let me know urgently as I pick up the cheque on Tuesday). I assume this problem is the same both ways.

It seems the obvious answer is to set the clubs up to accept Master/visa card. I know the relevant club pays around 2-3% commision which may seem a big issues, but this is insignificant when compared to the costs of getting a cheque. I decided to get mine to cover 2 years membership in one go to reduce the overheads.

What with the WEB, surely its time we made memberships global and subscriptions local, differences can then be made en-bloc. That way we can all stay in touch either on the WEB or via the mailbox.

sorry if it sounds like my 2 cents worth,

Jeff Howarth