Re: Tigers United

Christopher Albers (Christopher.Albers(at)
Mon, 29 Jun 1998 13:30:56 -0700

GROSS(at)UNIT.COM,Internet writes: >I personally would love to be a part of an Los Angeles/
>Orange County Alpining group. If there is interest, the group
>should be as informal as possible, have no dues or news
>letter and the president should have to buy beers for
>all the constituants at all get togethers.

>I of course could not be ellected pres on the basis that I
>sold an alpine part this year, and that of course would be
>a conflict of interest.

Conflict of interest? Screw that, I nominate Jarrid, or Jay. They're the only Alpiners I know who could afford all that beer. Certainly not me, I rent.

Christopher feeling good about not being alone.