Re: Sunbeams on Tape Productions Sunbeams on Tape Productions

Rich Atherton (gumby(at)
Wed, 1 Jul 1998 16:04:12 -0700

CNN just reported that Judge Kenneth Star will be looking into the misappropriation of funds, and has leaked to the press that there are some secretly recorded tapes of a unknown person discussing the merits of which car to feature and who they thought they could get the most money out of. They were quoted as saying "...His is in real nice shape, and he'll pay a bundle to us to have us feature his as the Best of it's kind. (other voice) Yeah, a Bundle, and he'll even buy the Beer !...". Mr. Star went on to say that they then spoke in codes as if they had been tipped to the surveillance. Codes like "forest 86 and moonstone were heard on the tape. These were then followed by other's that all began with B94, B38, B39 and others. Throughout the taped conversations, other code words were heard and have been sent on to the cryptography department for decoding. Some of these are "Watts Linkage", (This possible link between Former Secretary of the Interior James Watt and this tape are being vigorously investigated), and Humber, ( this obvious link to the Military will be investigated to the fullest extent that the law allows, and beyond). There was one deep concern heard on this tape. It was in reference to someone named "Rick at SS". Now this may be a reference to either the US Secret Service, or to some Nazi sympathizing group up to this point unknown. Judge Star was heard to say that more will be leaked as the investigation continues.....

Wow! This sounds Serious !!!...............


8-) I have way too much free time....I need a project car to keep me from doing this !

>From Steve Laifman...he wrote:

>Attention all Sunbeam enthusiasts,
>Producer: (Uses initials and numbers only, and it's not JB 007)
>Director: (Out for bid. Whoever pays the most can have the job)
>Photography: Anyone got a camera?
>Featured Vehicle: Steve Laifman's MkI, by authorization of HRM N. Miller, Esq.
>Production Start Date: Estimated to be sooner than you might think, and will
>continue to be so.
>Shares Authorized: 2,000,000
>Shares Outstanding: 4,550,125
>Shares Retained for Management Incentive: 5,000,000
>All profits, after costs, distribution fees, bribes, and lost petty cash, will
>be proportionally divided amongst the shareholders as a direct
>percentage of the ownership basis of the shares authorized.
>SEC Review: The SEC (Stanley's Escort Service) has not reached a final
>conclusion, but things are looking good. For an additional $45, SEC will
>provide a redhead to accompany you for the premier in West Hollywood. Female
>companionship slightly extra.
>The Attorney General has opened a "Special Interest" team. This is interpreted
>as a sign of happy interest in this venture.
>100% Guarantee that all profits will be distributed.
>Send your money in NOW, before it's all gone.
>Steve Laifman < One first kiss, >
>B9472289 < one first love, and >
> < one first win, is all >
> < you get in this life. >
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