Sport's Medicine

Steve Laifman (Laifman(at)Flash.Net)
Fri, 03 Jul 1998 22:51:12 +0100

Bob Palmer wrote:

> Steve,
> Thanks so much for the very, very funny piece on the new Viagra Supplement.
> It gave me quite a laugh. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to respond
> today at school, and that piece of e-mail now resides on the computer in my
> office. But it is definitely too funny not to share with the rest of the
> list. I do think you are going to have to come up with a little catchier
> name though. If I think of anything clever I'll let you know. Maybe
> "Checkered Flag" with the slogan "You can't win if you can't finish!!" Oh
> well, clever is your forte, not mine.
> It was nice to meet you in person at Big Bear. Makes reading your e-mail so
> much more personal now.
> Have a nice Fourth!
> Best regards,
> Bob

Well, if Bob was amused, I wouldn't want to keep this one just between us. He recomended a title, so I put the one you see on. Maybe it works. Warning: If you are a sensitive soul, or just like to complain, don't read any further.

Original Message:

Good News,

A new "Sport's" medicine has just been announced.

For all us "senior, experienced drivers", the pharmacuetical firms have just announced a companion pill to Viagra. It's called PLFP, or "Put some Lead in your Foot, as well as your Pencil". You must take them both 1 hour before the event, and have a rented room close to the course.

I am checking out if my insurance covers this new one, as well. Just remember, races go to finishers!


Steve Laifman         < One first kiss,       >
B9472289              < one first love, and   >
                      < one first win, is all >
                      < you get in this life. >

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