RE: LA Alps

Jarrid Gross (GROSS(at)
Tue, 14 Jul 1998 15:06:00 -0700

---------- Jay the conqueror quoth,

>Ok, so we have Jarrid, Ramon, Christopher and me so far. What about the
>rest of you? Anyone else in the LA/OC/Ventura area that we can bring
>together? What about Wyndham Chow? Emmett Cassidy? Dave Sotero? Any of
>you lurkers local?
>How about Aaron Unger? Are you out there?
>How about Colleen Bennett? Are you out there?
>Anyone else I have missed?
>Since I am now in Ventura, it will be a good drive for me. I'd like to
>suggest something "in the middle." But, I do not know how far south some
>of us are. Anyone in the West LA to Torrence area to meet at your house?
>Saturday? Sunday? Lunch? Afternoon?

Christopher has not yet responded.

Other people that responded privately were:

Roger Gibbs and Bob Willis.

Ole Olson also responded, but it was not clear to me if he wanted to join in on the festivities.

Others in the area might be:

Dan Walters, Steve Alcala

Others I know to be local are Eric? (EJMW(at)AOL.COM) Oh, and my new neighbor.

I vote for a central local (North OC is about the middle of all evil). Saturday Afternoon probably would be best, perhaps at a park where a BBQ could be contructed.

If the get together is small (less than 9 cars) we could have it at my house.

Any other thoughts, or have we forgoten some?
