RE: Club

Jarrid Gross (GROSS(at)
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 14:24:00 -0700

---------- Bill Gullatt suggest names for the new alpine club.

>IRS - International Rootes Society

The govenrment will shut you down, unless Ross Perot runs for Pres and wins.

>IRA - International Rootes Association

The English will track you down, and the Irish wont leave you alone!

>RAW - Rootes Autmobiles Worldwide

The pornagraphy industry will sue for defamation of charector.

>RIAA - Rootes International Automobile Association

Sounds kind of french (Offends Simca owners).

>IARO - International Association of Rootes Owners

Pronounced "I are owe" (See IRS).

>IRGS - International Rootes Group Society

Kind of sounds "Irkle'ish", would you want to be calles an "irg"?

>RGOC - Rootes Group Owners Club

Now you're talkin!

Jarrid Gross