Re: Alternators

Jarrid Gross (GROSS(at)
Tue, 28 Jul 1998 10:46:00 -0700

---------- From: Christopher.Albers(at)

>The radio's output is 40 amps. Not being an electrical engineer, I do
>not know what kind of load that puts on the alternator. But the
>alternator only puts out 35 amps and that ain't much.


40 amps?

Thats like 500 watts man!


Me thinks you mean watts (40), in which case your are looking at about somewhere between 3.5 and 7 amps to power the equipment, depending upon the amplifier configuration and efficiency.

This would of course be only at full volume. Lower volume levels will likely require lower power levels from the alternator.

Jarrid Gross.