Fuel additive

Bill Gullatt (bgullatt(at)traveller.com)
Wed, 29 Jul 1998 08:53:42 -0500 (CDT)

I bought a new product the other day to try in my truck. It is a airborne fuel additive called "Turbo Gel". It is similar to STP or Cheveron Techroline except it is in a gel form and goes inside your aircleaner. As the air comes in it begins to disipate the gel and take the vapor into the carb. I am suprised at how well it is working. My pinging is practically gone. It is supposed to boost horsepower some too but I can't really tell yet. Has anyone else seen or tried this?

I am considering becoming a distributor for "Turbo Gel". Any pros or cons to help me make my decision?

Bill Gullatt