RE: exact Stromberg specifications ?

From: Jarrid Gross (JGross(at)
Date: Wed Apr 21 1999 - 09:44:49 CDT

Andy wrote,

>150 CD
>150 CDS
>150 CDSE
>150 CD3
>yep, I'm confused. they were all apparently used on Rootes-mobiles.
>my carbs are allegedly from an Alpine 5, I was wondering what the
>exact spec should be.
>(I've only got the ser 1-4 WS manual)

Only the 150 CD was used on the "rootes" alpine.
The later carbs employed various temperature compensation and
idle fuel trim schemes, that might be nice for function, but
certainly make the carbs look different plain jane 150 CD carbs.

>I bought some cheap 'MoProd' carb kits that might do for overhaul,
>but they refer to Hunter / Vogue stuff from the 66 onwards

The overhaul kits should work correctly, but if it comes with
needles or jets, they will need to be verified to be the same
as what belongs in the your alpine, later carbs and different
engine configurations needed different profiles on the needles.

Jarrid Gross

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