Re: Zero Alpine content - Pokemon

From: Kurt Eckert (alpine(at)
Date: Wed Aug 18 1999 - 21:23:37 CDT

Yeah It's weird how kids just get obsessed about collecting things. They
just have to have all of them even if they have no place in their garage to
store that stock Series III GT that the old lady in New Hampshire is just
about GIVING I...uhhh...mean the new squirtle card.

In all seriousness I find it annoying too. My experience is that it is best
to not allow them to spend little to no money on the stuff and it blows over
in a few months. Of course in a few months there will be another gotta have
toy/game/card. I seem to remember going through the same obsessions when I
was a kid and I turned out OK. Well alright I turned out to be an obsessive
car nut, but other than that I am fine.


----- Original Message -----
From: Scott Donnelly <oharajem(at)>
To: Alpine folks <alpines(at)>
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 5:01 PM
Subject: Zero Alpine content - Pokemon

> Please excuse the lack of Alpine content, but I get the impression
> through this list that we are a pretty level headed bunch who don't get
> upset by occassion off topic posts (not so on other lists) so I thought
> I'd sound you out.
> As the father of a six and a half year older daughter, I have just been
> exposed to the Pokeman craze. She spent the day with a friend who talked
> about nothing but Pokemon, Pokemon this, Pokemon that... These Pokemon
> things are little mutant play figures (Squirtle = half squirrel, half
> turtle) that seem harmless enough. In addition there are books, games,
> collector cards, tv shows, etc... I took a look at the book she borrowed
> from her friend and found to be the most lame, plotless, pointless
> drivel since Barnie, much worse actually. From my limited exposure I
> have learned that kids get totally obsessed with collecting these things
> to the point that its all they care or think about. If this is one of
> those truly mind numbing obsessions kids get hooked on I want to derail
> it now. Any fathers out their with experience and advice? Thanks all,
> Scott Donnelly
> SV

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