Re: Come 'Back East' and Play this summer at MUNE!

From: davidkellogg(at)
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 17:16:06 CST

Hey Bob,

  You would be welcome at any time. BTW did I ask you already whether you
might come 'back east' for MUNE (Millennium United New England)? It's taking
place at the (newly renovated) Sheraton in Portland Maine from 24-27 August,

It should be a wonderful event. A tour of Robert Breyer's renowned private
Packard and Dusenberg museum (he's the owner of New Hampshire International
Speedway, the only venue where the Busch and NASCAR series both run in the
Northeast) is but one of the highlights!

  There will also be a waterside clambake, a particularly challenging
autocross course (designed by yours truly), tech sessions featuring a local
restoration shop owner, possibly a rally, and of course, the concours
d'elegance. It's all been planned to coincide with vintage racing at Lime
Rock (Labor Day weekend) and the following weekend at Watkins Glen!

  Just to cap it off, the banquet speaker is scheduled to be none other than
Clive Harrington, present owner of 3000 RW, the Index of Thermal Efficiency
winning Harrington Alpine driven by Peter Proctor at Le Mans in 1961. How
could it get any better?

  The only improvement would be attendance by some of the West Coast crowd.
Come on out and play!

  Hope this finds you thriving. Did you know that Kurt lives in Marblehead
--my home town-- where two Tigers and an early Alpine reside?

  Thanks again for your E-mail,

  Best, David Kellogg

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