What's New on the Sunbeam Alpine 1959-68 Web Site

September 14, 1999
  • Added January 1999 through August 1999 archives. Corrected link to online shop manual.

    September 12, 1999
  • Added August 1998 through December 1998 archives.

    August 9, 1998
  • Added May, June, & July archives.

    May 4, 1998
  • Added April archives.

    April 24, 1998
  • Added March archives. Updated movies page to add "Impossible Years" and remove "Parent Trap." Added link to online factory shop manual. Updated suppliers page with T. Wiencek's new description, and linked to Alpine West Midlands web page. Added club logos for SAC-Switzerland and SOG-San Diego. Added Andreas Pils' and Ian Harvey's pictures to images page, as well as several period photos submitted by Scott Christie. Added Andy Lewis' car to the forsale page.

    March 12, 1998
  • Added February archives. Added SOCNZ to clubs page. Updated TW Automotive listing and added Tiger Technologies listing on suppliers page. Updated "Parent Trap" listing and added "Charly" and Paul Simon/Art Garfunkel listings on movies page.

    February 4, 1998
  • Couple of minor updates on Movies page (thanks Dick Sanders). Changed link to speed calculator on Tech Tips page.

    February 2, 1998
  • Added January archives.

    January 30, 1998
  • Added Dan Perry's picture on Images page.

    January 26, 1998
  • Added link to Sunbeam Club Deutschland on clubs page. Added link to Andreas Pils' Alpine page on "other links" page.

    January 24, 1998
  • Lots and lots of new stuff. Several new images, club updates, corrections on the TV & Movies page and Suppliers page, several new Alpine links, a couple of new tech tips, archives for September through December.

    September 2, 1997
  • Added August archives.

    August 17, 1997
  • Added July archives. Various updates to supplier's list. Added Jarrid Gross' picture of him racing Steve Alcala's Alpine at Willow Springs. Fixed a couple of bogus links in the tech tips pages. Updated the "Alpines on the silver screen" page to note that Emma Peel rides in a Series V, not a Series IV.

    July 1, 1997
  • Added June archives.

    June 24, 1997
  • Added TE/AE web link on clubs page.

    June 20, 1997
  • Added link to Sergio Dimarmo's speed calculator on Tech Tips page. Updated VITAC club info to include web link. Updated Classic Sunbeam Auto Parts entry on suppliers page to include web link. Added Jay Kacheroski's and Steve Robbins' pictures to images page.

    June 2, 1997
  • Added May archives.

    May 28, 1997
  • Added Special Car Journal link to buyer's guide. Added Bill Ferry's and Chris Bartlett's pictures to image gallery. Added link to Norm Miller's page on other Alpine links page. Added Rootes Club Nederland to clubs page.

    May 1, 1997
  • Added April archives.

    April 23, 1997
  • Added Tom Wiencek's alternator conversion tech tip.

    April 3, 1997
  • Added March archives.

    March 25, 1997
  • Add Jared Gross' adjustable pressure relief valve modification to Tech Tips page. Added TE/AE web page link to Other Links page. Added 4 pictures from the 1997 TE/AE calendar to the pictures page.

    March 12, 1997
  • Added January and February mailing list archives. Added Brabham ad and Andy Lewis' "Patsy" to Images page. Added link to Lavenham Rare Breeds Motor Show on Other Links page. Added British Parts Connection to Suppliers page.

    January 28, 1997
  • Added Sunbeam Alpine Owner's Club (SAOC) to Other Links page.

    January 27, 1997
  • Updated TW Automotive info in supplier's list; changed Joe Rodrigue's phone number in V6 tech tip; added Motor Heritage Leisurewear to supplier's list; added page for Other Alpine Links.

    January 24, 1997
  • Added Bert Clewits' picture of his '64 Alpine IV GT to images page.

    January 15, 1997
  • Added Tiger Auto Service to suppliers list.

    January 5, 1997
  • Changed TE/AE contact information.

    January 4, 1997
  • Added December archives.

    December 2, 1996
  • Added November archives.

    November 20, 1996
  • Added email address for TW Automotive on supplier's page.

    November 19, 1996
  • Updated clubs page: new entries for CAT, STOA, Imp Club, VITAC, Queensland, Deutschland; new contact info for New Zealand. Added form to register page on URL-minder.

    November 13, 1996
  • Added Jarrid Gross' brakepad tech tip.

    November 11, 1996
  • Added sample calendar images.

    November 1, 1996
  • Added October archives.

    October 3, 1996
  • Added link to Rootes Service Bulletins; added September archives.

    September 25, 1996
  • Added picture of Jon Arzt's Highwayman to images page.

    September 16, 1996
  • Added Fred Levit to Suppliers page. Created Misc Stuff For Sale page.

    September 2, 1996
  • Added August archives.

    August 29, 1996
  • Added Per Wollen's Series 1 to pictures page.

    August 19, 1996
  • Added negative ground conversion article to Tech Tips. Added TW Automotive to supplier's list.

    August 7, 1996
  • Added 'Keys and Locks' article to Tech Tips.

    August 6, 1996
  • Added Michael Fisher's S5 picture.

    August 2, 1996
  • Added more vendors to the supplier's list.

    August 1, 1996
  • Added July archives.

    July 31, 1996
  • Finally created supplier's list. Added link to C&D article on Misc page.

    July 30, 1996
  • Updated mailing list info.

    July 29, 1996
  • Added V6 article part 2 to Tech Tips.

    July 23, 1996
  • Added V6 article to Tech Tips.

    July 18, 1996
  • Added Series 5 wiring diagram to Tech Tips.

    July 8, 1996
  • Added Derek Jewett's picture to gallery.

    July 4, 1996
  • Added Chevy 350 conrod tech tip.

    July 2, 1996
  • Added June archives.

    June 24, 1996
  • Added Feb - May archives.

    Feb. 20, 1996
  • Added Daniel Levitin's heater valve bypass to Tech Tips page
  • Added Jay Laifman's speedometer rebuild to Tech Tips page
  • Added Chris McGovern's International Registry page
  • Added Dec. and Jan. archives
  • Added Adriano Manocchia's picture to images page

    Dec. 8, 1995
  • Added Ted Reese's pics to images page.

    Dec. 4, 1995
  • Automated Who's Who page.

    Dec. 2, 1995
  • Added Daniel Levitan's Buyers Guide. Added paint codes to Specs page.

    Dec. 1, 1995
  • Added Nov. archives and Bert Clewits' Sunbeam Chamois picture.

    Nov. 27, 1995
  • Added Chris McGovern's picture of Vince Tamburo.

    Nov. 1, 1995
  • Added October archives.

    Oct. 31, 1995
  • Added July, Aug, and Sept archives.

    Sept. 27, 1995
  • Added Brad Richard's pics of Steve Alcala' car.

    Sept. 13, 1995
  • Added Steve Alcala photos; updated link to new Tiger page.

    July 19, 1995
  • Added SOAC and PTC to clubs page.

    July 14, 1995
  • Initial version.

  • Back to the Alpines page.