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Re: Bricklin Racing

Subject: Re: Bricklin Racing
From: (Jim Isbell)
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 10:43:17 -0600 (CST)
>Hello out there. As a Spitfire autocrosser with my co driver Mark Bradakis
>aka Majordomo, we have raced my Brick several times when the Spit was down.
>While not very competitive as it is virtually bone stock other than tires and
>a holley carb it was fun. 
>I am interested in hearing about other Bricklin racing feats.

I race a Lola T540 Formula Atlantic but have a Brick in reserve.  I am in
the process of adding a 1" anti roll bar to the rear, upgrading the front
roll bar with new bushings, adding a suport between the front shock towers
(a "must have" if you are going to race it), and a holly carbruator so it
wont stall on those decelerating right turns.  The orriginal carb is only
usable on a round track where it wont flood on the right turns (no right turns).

The tires are stock size and treaded.  If I could find a set of wheels I
liked I would put slicks all around.

Does your club alow you to race it without a roll cage?  My club said they
could OK it since it had the integral roll cage.  I got Terry Tanner to
write it up for me so I could send them a copy.  He also added some photos
and I found a drawing that described the roll cage and its strength.  I have
to remove the glass from the windows and put in nets when I am racing.

I am also going to have the door operation cuircut hot wired so it wont cut
off with the master cut off switch,  They said that was ok since they wanted
to be able to get me out in an emergency.  The cut off switch will be
mounted in the door lock hole so I dont have to damage the skin.  I hope the
switch never has to be used or I will be worrying about my skin.

Do you have a fuel cell or do you use the stock gas tank?  I have been
concerned about this since there is no firewall between the tank and the
driver, only fibreglass.  If I get hit from behind it could be a hot time in
the old town tonight.

That 707 transmission will squeel the tirers in every shift even at 55 MPH
from second to third.  Realy surprised the 911 Porche that tried to race me
out of Atlanta a few years ago as I headed home from Terry Tanners.

         JIM I.

If God had intended fibreglass boats he would have planted fiberglass trees.

1970 XKE 2+2
1974 Bricklin
1978 Roberts 44' steel ketch, "Millennium Falcon"
         "Its the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs."
Han Solo
1979 Lola T540 Formula Atlantic
1985 XJS
1985 XJ6

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