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Re: Some answers...

To: "John T. Blair" <>
Subject: Re: Some answers...
From: "William H. Whitney" <>
Date: Sat, 09 May 1998 11:15:11 -0400

>> We are trying to get a database to track the cars and owners.  

I owned vin #597 (1974 orange automatic) from 1975-1979. Along with the 
usual problems, the last thing that happened was the windshield wiper 
motor caught fire. Unfortunately, the fire department got to the car 
before I did and use pry levers on the driver's door and hood because 
they couldn't figure out how to get into it. So, I collected $2,000 
in insurance and sold it "as was" to someone named Russ from New York 
City for another $2,000. (Probably a great deal at that time considering 
the prices of the cars these days.) I have a 20 year old phone number 
for him but that's all the info I can give you. I don't know what 
happened to it after that. If you know anything on this one, I'd be 

Best... Bill.


William (Bill) H. Whitney
VIN #624 (and mint condition Orange Mini-B #37 for sale to best offer 
over $1,500)
Owner, Micro Business Applications, dBase/Clipper/FoxPro consultant

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