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Re: Water Temp guage

To: "K M" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Water Temp guage
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 12:23:36 -0400
Why would you want to do that? What if the car overheats? you won't
know it until you see steam! The gauge doesn't determine how hot the
water gets. When you say 160, do you mean thermostat rating or water
temp? In my '75, a 160 deg t'stat gives ~180 deg water temp. This is
a good temp for this car. If smog pollution is an issue, then you
will need the water temp to be ~195 deg which a 180 deg t'stat
should give you. Note than in traffic or very hot days these temps
can climb another 20-30 degrees more.

-----Original Message-----

>Scott, what I was thinking of doing on mine to end the problem with
>being too hot and to keep it predictably cool is to take the gauge
>apart, carefully figure out just hot hot it should be, and expertly
>two straight pins discretely placed on both sides of the indicator
>hold it in place. What does 160 degrees sound like? Kim

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