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Re: Looking for info.

To: "John E Kline" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Looking for info.
From: "Greg Monfort" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 09:16:42 -0500
If the door is structurally sound, it should still raise even
without the little strut. It's there mainly to stabilize and act as
an 'up' stop. It sounds like the bottom of the door isn't lifting
clear in time for the door to rise through it's arc, causing it to

Are there any stress cracks in the inner metal door skin at the
bends? This is a common problem which can cause yours.


-----Original Message-----

>When I try to open the drivers side door it jams in the latch.  It
>like the ram is putting a twist on the door at the bottom right
side, thus
>causing the latch to jam.  I have tried to loosen the hinges and
>the door but have no sucess.  Way back in ancient history I
converted to an
>air system and they installed a small compressed air strut on the
door just
>ahead of the front hinge.  I am wondering if this strut has gone
bad and
>needs to be replaced.    Does anyone have a method for realighing
the dooe?
> Thank you,  JOHN

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