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How about some Brickline articles or stories?

Subject: How about some Brickline articles or stories?
From: "K M" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 00:20:20 PST
C'mon folks.  We're all busy (I work full time and also am trying to set 
up an internet business) but all of us have computers and keyboards. How 
about writing a story of your last jaunt in the car, or a story on the 
questions you got when you went to get parts, or when the neighbor drove 
by and saw your door up, or how your friend couldn't get out of the car, 
or how you figured out an easy way to get antifreeze into the misplaced 
tank (I would love that one), or how your son or daughter impressed 
folks at school when they took the car to the prom, or how you just 
discovered the car and wanted to give your first impressions, or what 
the cop said when he stopped you, or etc.  Our magazine, The Brickline, 
can't and won't live without you.  Don't leave it to others to write the 
articles, John can hardly fill up a whole magazine unless all of us 
help.  Hey, being able to say that you were published in a nationally 
distributed magazine is a good resume enhancer.  But beyond that, all of 
us benefit by helping each other and we all benefit from the magazine 
and website.  Those things don't just appear, they are the result of 
peoples' efforts.  C'mon and join the group -- contribute whatever 
articles you can. Thanks, Kim.

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  • How about some Brickline articles or stories?, K M <=