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Body Panel

To: "" <>
Subject: Body Panel
From: Serge <>
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 14:23:15 -0500
A letter to all........On monday I received a call from the garage I
store my1733 because of the winter season, that the roof
collapse!!!!!!!!   I went there right away to find that I cant go in and
not noing how's my car police and fire department would not let us in
because of safety hydro pole might fall in . The next day it took me 12
hours to shovel the four feet of snow and cut trough the debris .
Finally I can see my car there a main beam kneeling on my passenger rear
quarter panel braking the hatch and popping the rear window .The front
windshield crack and I was the lucky one , 8 more car and 1 speed boat
total wrecks. Now its time to replace rear right and left quarter panel
, roof panel ,and rear panel, how much would it cost me in labor and did
anyone buy any panel from Bob's Brickyard are they good product is
fiberglass better then acrylic are the panel just ready to install what
I mean what should I look forward to!!!!!!  Thank from one depress brick
owner 1733 Serge B

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