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Call for articles

Subject: Call for articles
From: "John T. Blair" <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 20:56:21 -0400
Ok gang.  The October issue of The Brickline has been put to bed and
is on it's way to the printers.  Hopefully it should be in mailboxes
by the end of the 1st week in Oct.

NOW, I've done my part, it's your turn!  I'll looking for articles for
the Jan. 2001 issue.  So come on.  I know a bunch of you all have nice
digital cameras.  Get out there and take some pictures on your next 
wrench turning session.  Anyone have to replace a water pump?  If so,
how about writting us an article on what you have to take off and in
what order.  I'll even give you a hint here - there are at least 3
different size bolts holding the pump in place.  Their length and 
placement is critical.  So when you take them out, draw yourself a
picture.  If you need one, I have already drawn the bolt placement

I know some of you are tinkering with your cars.  So how about it, write
and article.  I'll give you all the help you need.  There is an article
in the Tech section of the web page
that will help you in what we need.

For those of you that aren't wrench turners, how about a story about 
how you got your Brick., or about the time you took it to a shop and
tried to get some work done on it.  I know there are lots of topics out

If you would like to see an article on ANY topic of repairs, tools,
a garage setup, etc. please drop me a line with your wants.

Finally, (I'm probably opening a can of worms here) we've tried to get
a "Letters to the Editor" section going for a couple of years.  I don't
mine a little controversey (sp) so long as you don't call so-n-so a
%$##$^%#%.  If there is something about the club, etc. that is bothering
you, let me know and I'll try to put it in an up comming edition.

For those that were at the Ypsi. meet, we really had a great time, and I
got about 5 or 6 articles from people there.  Thanks to those of you that
took the time to write them.  BTW, if you do write something, and don't
hear from me, please ring my chimes (drop me an email) just to make sure
I got it, and haven't lost it under the pile of papers on my desk.  (I'll
have to write a short article about that one of these days. (

John (All I need is a good CHEAP digital cammera :)

John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229

48 TR1800    48 #4 Midget  65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
     75 Bricklin SV1   77 Spitfire     71 Saab Sonett III


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