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Speaking of building bricks

To: <>
Subject: Speaking of building bricks
From: "alphachi" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 09:34:11 -0500
When I was purchasing my B up in Mich I ran it by Bob Hoffman and we met for
the first time.   He ended up doing some minor stuff (like brake cylinders,
etc) for the long journey home (MIA).   I got a chance to see one of "his"
bricks, which he pretty much builds from scratch exactly to manufacturer's
specs (good and bad).  What an incredible feat though.   It was something to
see a "brand new" brick. It takes him the better part of a year to build one
and he gets a very pretty penny too, but it really is something to see.  The
car looked like it came right from the factory, hydraulic doors and all.
TT's got some cool projects also, but he does like to modify, where I get
the sense Bob is more of the purest.  Odd too, considering their roots.
Like I've said before, two men, two unique approaches.

stephan #2821

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