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Re: Fwd: SMOG TEST...

Subject: Re: Fwd: SMOG TEST...
From: "K M" <>
Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2001 03:06:12
> >Well, after roughly 2 1/2 years of fixing up my Bricklin, I finally was 
> >to get it smogged , registered and back on the road. I brought it to a 
> >station today, and after arguing with the mechanic for a good 5 minutes 
> >it car is NOT a kit car, yes it is a "real car", no its not supposed to 
> >a catalitic converter etc.... he finally hooked her up and started the 
> >The car passed a while ago without any problems before, but this time it
> >FAILED MISERABLY. All that work, all that time and effort and I cant even
> >drive it....yet. I know that in the last couple years the smog 
> >have been changed ( at least in California ) and now I gotta pay some 
> >weed to get it up to specs. What a disappointment.  It is "supposed to be
> >ready tomorrow" and I will try again.  I will keep you guys posted and
> >Hopefully #2525 will be on the streets this weekend.
> >
> >Michael Casiello
> >#2525

I do not think that the smog reqs have changed in california -- I think they 
still have to meet the 75 standards.  First, where are you in California?  
My 74 failed the test because of too high hydrocarbons and I found a couple 
of problems.  First, the guy who had rebuilt the carb didn't put a little 
check valve ball thing in the right place -- I think this might be mentioned 
in an upcoming Brickline (but it doesn't apply to you cause of a different 
carb). Second, I had a cylinder misfiring cause of a bad wire -- both were 
easy fixes. Kim

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