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Re: Torque setting for Rover Spark Plugs?

To: Stuart Goggin <SGOGGIN@au.oracle.com>
Subject: Re: Torque setting for Rover Spark Plugs?
From: Jim Stuart <jimbb88@erols.com>
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 23:13:25 -0400


Spark plug torque is usually what the manufacturer of the plugs recommends,
based upon the type of gasket & plug seat. For the Champion plugs I use, it is
NO anti-sieze, even though the heads are aluminum, hand tight, plus 1/4 turn.
For peace of mind, I usually tighten a little more, but less than 1/2 turn.

Read the plug box, especially the inside where the guarantee is written. See the
mfgr's web site for tech info.

Jim Stuart

Stuart Goggin wrote:

> --=_ORCL_17442955_0r0
> I know it's probably a stupid question,  but for some stupid reason I cannot
> find any information on how tight to tighten a Range Rover v8's spark plugs.
>   there must be some torque value or information somewhere.  I have never
> had an alloy head engine before so have no idea how tight is right ;-)
> I had a weird ticking sound the other day,  it only occured when I took my
> foot off the throttle.  Sounded just like a loose spark plug.   But as I
> have only just had the thing serviced,  how could a loose plug be possible??
>   Well the plug was about half way out of the head!!!!!   I suspect it has
> done some damage to the aluminium head threads as they look a little worn.
> So the question is how tight should these plugs be tightened.  And the
> second question is how hard should I kick the arse of the mechanic who
> installed them.....   Bit peeved about the last service done on it, lots of
> irritating things,  like a sump plug done up so tight I had to use a
> hydralic jack and a 2ft breaker bar to undo,  The car lifted about 12 inches
> before the sump plug moved.  After that I decided to do all the servicing
> myself...
> Stuart
> --=_ORCL_17442955_0r0
> cBmgbxHwJ+kookL/IcEjECyGNZM5Uy1iN+Qzw30EkHYzkAmAIYElcgWgdd5sMuI6FChSKYJw
> OjAAkJECYGU/PyixV2Ut4Hs0Uz+DdzuRAaAIYDyybH83wEGwNcEhwTegNFMuMiHXQ9IosR8g
> --=_ORCL_17442955_0r0--

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