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Re: Let's get the roadsters noticed

To: Datsun Roadsters <>
Subject: Re: Let's get the roadsters noticed
From: Dennis Currington <>
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 19:48:52 -0700
Gary Boone wrote:

>Hi folks,
>Most of us roadster owners are looking for a way to get the roadster 
>some attention in the public eye. Well, here's a very easy way. Summit 
>Racing is having a Virtual Super Summit Car Show where we can submit a 
>photo and info on our cars, at no charge. There is public voting via 
>internet to determine the winner. The info to enter and vote is copied 
>below from a message I received from Summit. With our power in numbers, 
>maybe we could gang up and vote for our favorite roadster in the contest 
>and possibly see a roadster take the prize!!!!!!!!!
>Have a nice weekend,
>Gary Boone

Check out the Datsun entries:

Is there a Datsun Only Class? :-)    We seem to be outnumbered by good 
ole 'merican Iron

67.5 2000

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