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Re: Bonnet release latch/cable

To: Tim <>
Subject: Re: Bonnet release latch/cable
From: "John F Sandhoff" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 12:55:07 -0700
> ...I am looking to fix the broken--but functional--bonnet release under
> the driver's side dash...
> ...I don't care to deal with the alternative of a broken bonnet release latch!

For safety, here's what I recommend: right now, while the hood can
still be opened, install an emergency release.

Take a coat hanger, straighten it out and bend a simple handle
into one end. The, from under the dash, you'll find some convenient
firewall holes high on the SIDE of the tranny tunnel portion. One of
these holes fairly well lines up with the latch mechanism. Stick the
coat hanger thru the hole and attach the end to the latch, where the
cable hooks in (bend an 'L', stick it thru the latch hole, and contiinue
to bend it into a 'U').

You'll end up with a pull handle under the dash (keep it short so it
stays up out of the way and out of the wiring). If the cable snaps,
crawl under the dash and pull the emergency release.

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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