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Winter Wonderland

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net, "'Mark Donaldson'" <>,
Subject: Winter Wonderland
From: Alexander Joseph H <>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 08:14:47 -0600
Automobiles and Understanding Wives, eh? Perhaps a start of another

Feature off campus housing in the 60s, during a northern winter,  with
no garage. Although disassembly and cleaning took place elsewhere, the
948 cc frogeye engine was assembled in the bedroom on an old chest of

Wedding Anniversary #34 is forthcoming.

> From:         Mark Donaldson[]
> Sent:         Friday, December 12, 1997 9:47 PM
> To:   vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
> Subject:      Winter  Wonderland
> I live in a temporate climate. I can laugh. But I've also lived in
> Canada 
> where, having the good fortune to have a very understanding wife, I
> was 
> regularly permitted to heat up engine parts in her gas stove in Winter
> before spray-painting them!  (I don't believe I'm alone here?)
> Enjoy.
> Mark Donaldson
> ... Several engines later, still married to same gas stove operator.
> ;=> 
> Auckland  NZ
> >     ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > A Texan moves up North:
> > 
> > January 10 - 5:00pm  It's starting to snow.  The first of the season
> > and
> > the first one we've seen in years.  The wife and I took our hot
> > buttered rums and sat by the picture window watching the soft flakes
> > drift down, clinging to the trees and covering the ground.  It was
> > beautiful!
> > 
> > January -   We woke to a lovely blanket of crystal white snow
> covering
> > the landscape.  What a fantastic sight!  Every tree and shrub is
> > covered with  a beautiful white mantle.  I shoveled snow for the
> first
> > time in years and loved it.  I did both our driveway and sidewalk.
> > Later , a city snowplow came along and accidentally covered up our
> > driveway with compacted snow from the street.  The driver smiled and
> > waved.  I waved back and shoveled it again.
> > 
> > January12  -   It snowed an additional 5 inches last night, and the
> > temperature has dropped about 11 degrees.  Several limbs on the
> trees
> > and shrubs snapped due to the weight of the snow.  I shoveled our
> > driveway again.  Shortly afterwards, the snowplow came by and did
> his
> > trick again.  Much of the snow is now brownish green.
> > 
> > January13  -   Warmed up enough to create some slush which soon
> became
> > ice when the temperature dropped again.  Bought snow tires for both
> > cars. Fell on my ass in the driveway.  A hundred and forty dollars
> to
> > the chiropractor, but nothing was broken.  More snow and ice
> expected.
> > 
> > January 14  -   Still cold.  Sold the wife's car and bought a 4 x 4
> in
> > order
> > to get to work.  Slid into the guardrail anyway and did a
> considerable
> > amount of damage to the right quarterpanel.  Had another 8 inches of
> > the white shit last night.  All my vehicles are covered in salt and
> > crud.  More shoveling in store for me today.  And the Damn snowplow
> > came by twice today.
> > 
> > January 15  -   Two degrees outside.  More snow. Not a tree or shrub
> > on or property that hasn't been damaged.  Power was off most of the
> > night.  Tried to keep from freezing to death with candles and a
> > kerosene heater that tipped over and nearly burned the damned house
> > down.  I managed to get it put out but suffered second degree burns
> on
> > my hands and lost all my eyelashes and eyebrows.  Car slid on the
> ice
> > on the way to the emergency room and was totaled.
> > 
> > January 16  -   White shit keeps coming down.  Have to put on all
> the
> > clothes we own just to get to the mailbox.  If I ever catch that son
> > of a bitch that drives the snowplow, I'll chew open his chest and
> rip
> > out his heart.  I think he hides around the corner and waits to plow
> > that shit on our driveway again.  Power still off.  The toilet froze
> > and part of the roof has started to cave in.
> > 
> > January 17  -   Six more inches of  snow and  ice and God
> > knows what other  white shit fell last night.  I wounded the
> snowplow
> > asshole with an ice axe, but the bastard got away.  Wife left
> > me.  Car won't start.  I think I'm going snow-blind.  I can't move
> my
> > toes.   Haven't seen the sun in weeks.  More snow is predicted.
> Wind
> > chill is -22  degrees.  To hell with this, I'm moving back to Texas.
> > 
> > 
> >

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