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Good Bearings

Subject: Good Bearings
From: Bill Babcock <>
Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 14:57:27 -0800
As promised, here's the deal. First a disclaimer--I have no financial
interest etc. Bob Yarwood is simply a buddy of mine. These bearings are from
New Zealand, Bob bought all they had for TR3/4 and he's not sure they can be
convinced to make more though a combined order might make them interested. I
presume we've all had problems with modern lead-free bearings.  

He can get Spit bearings and other car bearings from the same source with no
real limit. 

Main bearings are cast whitemetal, lead based, steel backed, 83% lead, 15%
antimony, 1% Tin
Rods are Tri-Metal Sintered copper lead, unplated, steel backed 74% copper,
24% lead, 2% tin
Those don't add up, I don't know why, I just copied from the spec sheet.

Here's what's available. Call Bob to order. First come first serve I fear.
541-895-2718 or 2288. If he sells you mine I'll kill him. 

Mains  $44  3 sets STD    9 sets .010
Rods   $52  7 sets STD    12 sets .010   9 sets .020
Thrust $10  7 sets STD 

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