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Re: race course

Subject: Re: race course
From: "Wester S. Potter" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 11:10:35 -0600
Doug,  You are probably right.  Traditionally all record return runs have
made in a bunch, after an hour of access to the car that is controlled by
the impound officials.  During that time the clocks are reversed and the
course is cleared for record return runs.  This negates the factors of
tailwinds, time of day, things like that.  International records were
originally set that way. For FIA certification they require the return run
to be within 60 minutes.  It carried over to AAA records and then to land
speed racing on the salt with the hot rods.  It levels the field.  They used
to run SCTA/BNI returns the next morning after the qualifying the day
before...may do it again.  UFRA has always tried to run them the same day. 
There have been a couple of exceptions when weather shut us down in the
evening.  The FIA rule has made life difficult for the Burklands and their
411 streamliner.  So far they don't have the turn around time down to an
hour but the car is capable of 500 miles an hour.   Wes
> From: 
> To: 
> Subject: race course 
> Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 12:16:17 -0400 
>wouldn't it be alot easier,simpler and safer if everyone raced the same
>direction on the course intead of both directions, i dont see an advantage
>to this both direction approach, especially as narrow as the course finish
>is on the return direction run
>doug ferguson
>black radon engineering
>groton, ct

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