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Re: Salt safety question

Subject: Re: Salt safety question
From: Chuck Rothfuss <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 20:27:46 -0400
At 05:38 PM 7/26/99 -0400, John Beckett wrote:
>I've never had that happen. I guess when your running higher speeds the
>centrifugal force throughs it off?


  I was thinking about accumulating salt while mucking around in some wet
areas or during a high speed pirouette (sounds so much more graceful than
"spin") while you're sideways.  The dirt I picked up had been trapped inside
the wheel and had nowhere to be thrown off.  It just packed there where it
had landed.  At the speeds you're running in the Chevette it wouldn't take
much to produce a violent shake if you got a wheel out of balance.  


>At 04:31 PM 7/26/99 -0400, Chuck Rothfuss wrote:
>>  Had an odd experience today that may relate remotely to racing on salt.
>>Driving down one of my dirt "short-cuts" I was forced to cross a mound of
>>wet dirt left by a road grader.  Several miles later I got a severe
>>unbalanced tire sensation.  Turns out that the dirt had all but filled the
>>inside of one wheel and had been packed there as I drove.
>>  I've seen pretty good salt accumulations on cars, but does everyone follow
>>a routine of cleaning it all off after every run to prevent things like
>>this?  A couple ounces of salt in the wrong place could really spoil a good
>>run in a hurry.

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