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Re: Traction question

To: "Paul W" <>
Subject: Re: Traction question
From: Wester S Potter <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 11:20:41 -0700
The figure I have heard most is 17% rolling resistance on salt as compared
to asphalt or cement.
Not familiar enough with ElMirage to comment ... some real experts out there
who know however.
> From: "Paul W" <>
> To: 
> Subject: Traction question 
> Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 09:16:06 PST 
>I've been lurking for a few and learning a ton.
>Between the tire and spoiler discussion of recent times I have a question 
>related to traction. Having never been to the any of the lake beds (but 
>planning to in the next year or two) I am trying to get a handle on what to

>expect. What does the surface compare to?  Regular dirt road, regular dirt,

>gravel, something else?  Is there a rule-of-thumb for deciding if a vehicle

>should go 'X' fast on pavement, it will go 'X-Y' fast on the salt (or 
>something like that)?
>Paul Woodman

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