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Re: email virus alert

To: "Daniel Wright" <>
Subject: Re: email virus alert
From: "Jonathan Amo" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 09:06:46 -0700

First if the virus is a *hybris*, what this virus is doing is infecting the
wstock32.dll file in your windows/system folder. This file gets infected with
the virus and you will start receiving errors in any program that is an .exe
file. word, exel, frontpage etc etc and giving you abnormal errors. Antivirus
software will not let you delete the file.
There is a very simple fix for this, delete the wsock32.dll file and replace
with a known good file. Before you delete the file make sure to get a copy of
it from your windows 98 disk and put it on your computer somewhere so when
you delete it you have it to put back in the system. You can find this on the
windows 98 disk in the precopy1 zip file.
Steps to do.
First download the wsock32.dll file to your computer from win98 cd or put it
on a disk from another computer.
Second delete the file wsock32.dll in the windows/system folder
Third restart your computer (this will give you an error when loading windows
but just click ok, and you will not be able to execute any program)
Fourth goto the folder where you copied the good file, and put it back in the
windows/system file.

Note you cannot just copy over the old file you must delete the file then
replace with a known good one.

Any questions please let me know, if you need help please email me the name
of the virus specifically and I will help you get rid of it. Offering this
service to all the land speed community.

Jonathan Amo

Daniel Wright wrote:

> Hi
> Several of us folks from the U.S.F.R.A. have received an email virus over
> the weekend.  It is an attachment named joke.exe.  Do not open the
> attachment.  It is attached to an email from   the
> subject line is snow white and the seven dwarfs-the real story.
> I personally received it but my virus scanning software flagged it, so I
> havent opened it.  Delete the file if possible. Do NOT open it.
> Daniel Wright
> University of Utah
> 20 S 2030 E
> BPRB Rm 332
> Salt Lake City, Ut 84112-9454
> email
> 801-585-7863
> FAX 801-585-7177

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