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Re: MC aerodynamics

Subject: Re: MC aerodynamics
From: Carl Dreher <>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 22:06:33 -0600
There was a two-part article on motorcycle aerodynamics in "Motorcycle
Consumer News", Vol 26, #5, May 1995 and the following June issue.  The
author (Jim Reed) was working on a 125cc Can-Am for Bonneville.  A very
good article.

Having raced (and set) the P125 record on a Cagiva C9, I can offer this
bit of advise about unfared and non-dustbin fared motorcycles:  You pick
up a little bit of top end by sliding as far back as you can and laying
flat.  I had my butt all the way back to the grab rail, offering the
wind as flat a surface as I could over the top of the bike.  Also, the
clip-ons were tucked in so far I had about a 1/4 mile turning radius. 
It worked.

- Carl Dreher

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