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Re: sorry

To: "john robinson" <>, <>
Subject: Re: sorry
From: "DrMayf" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 16:18:35 -0700
Certainly does not offend me, John. This is a technical sport and innovaion
needs to be explored in every manner possible. I am guiltier than most in
tossing out stuff to bench race about and to analyze. All opinions are
welcome, even those that say I am a brat because that also give me feedback
on the problem. So I am here to listen to you and to comment no matter what
the LSR subject... I draw th eline at discussing California's politics and
religion(s). Keep em coming,

----- Original Message -----
From: "john robinson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 10:58 AM
Subject: sorry

> I'm sorry about the RWS thread cluttering up some peoples' mailboxes. I've
> been an advocate of RWS for the last couple of years, and feel that the
> List is the place to discuss it. There were several emails that basically
> said " I don't care about this thread, why is it here?" If I have offended
> you by asking/answering questions that I have an interest in, I apologize.
> I didn't realize that ONLY approved interests were to be discussed here.
>            John Robinson, Mechanician
>    Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin
>                  1513 University Ave.
>                   Madison, Wi. 53706
>                      608-262-3606
>             Current World Land Speed Record Holder
>                   Bonneville Salt Flats
>            H/GCC 92 1980 Dodge Colt
>                   144.396 MPH set 2000
>        MPS-PG 441 c.c. 1967 BSA Victor Motorcycle
>                      95.193 MPH set 2001
>                  Antarctic Ice Driller Oct02-Jan03

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