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To: "" <>
Subject: Records
From: "Arne Hulstein" <>
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 16:42:40 -0800
I was looking over the records on and something
struck me as odd... Either that, or I just think too small for records
I was curious what the record would be for a 50cc streamliner. When I
looked at the records I saw that you cannot have an engine under 30 CI.
Or at least it wouldn't make any sense as the engine class runs from
0-30CI and competing with a 50cc (3 CI, right?) against a 30 CI (500cc)
would be something only a total nut would do.
Am I right about this? Would I need to build a bike for that? If so, I
might as well find a 500cc ;)

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