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Re: Fuel System Rule Question

Subject: Re: Fuel System Rule Question
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2005 15:40:42 EST
Yes, why not, indeed, Benn  ?  It's easy enough to fit and weld a really stout
custom-fit shield right to your particular setup. That's the way we did it  
back after we
first learned what the clutches or flywheels were doing on those  
high-revving small 
blocks, and before we ran the cast steel Wedge  housings ...... The very 
first clutch
or flywheel I saw let go was at the great Santa Ana drags in 1956  :  Some 
there was very proud to be running his spanking new '57Vette roadster, but  
at the drop 
of the green( a flag start to those of you who've only seen Christmas tree  
starts )there 
was a helluva loud noise, and the rear of his front glass fenders and the  
cowling were really 
blasted out,to say nothing of the interior and dashboard !  All  damage was 
near the plane 
of the flywheel, of course.  A while later a little chopped Bantam  coupe 
blew its flywheel  
part way down the strip, and shortly after some of us went  over to the 
second row of cars back from the strip, where we saw a gaping  hole from the 
shrapnel in the front door
of a Ford station wagon.  The chunk of metal also went through  the door 
interior, and 
the front( driver's )seat and lodged up in the rear headliner .  An  awful 
lot of energy
there ...... even after flying several hundred feet from the strip  !
       We all( or almost all )recall the  fantastic photo of Big Daddy Don's 
front engine 
dragster literally cutting itself, and Don's foot, in half right off of the  
starting line ........
that was in one of his rails with an experimental AUTO tranny....... that  
should be
reminder enough that shielding around auto transmissions is a very good  idea 
        In a land speed car, super  lightweight is nowhere near as important 
as in a drag 
car, so why quibble or even ask about whether or not to build-in that extra  
amount of 
safety ?  Over-building on the Side Of Safety might save you a lot  more than 
just some
damage to your car parts .  I agree with you, Benn .  My  thoughts are shield 
the tranny AND the brake and fuel lines....... time & effort WELL SPENT  / any
added weight or cost WELL WORTH IT .  Remember that old adage; " Once  
Twice Shy" ?  Flywheels and transmissions CAN BITE something  FIERCE ........ 
 I have seen way too many examples first hand ...... very scary damage  !!!
        Just Build Accordingly  !     My thoughts,  Bruce in Too Cool  

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