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More Rooms

Subject: More Rooms
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 19:36:43 EST
Went to the" Wendover Fun website" includes Montego, Peppermill, Rainbow  and 
Events for year.
They show all the LSR events, including BUB, in equal size print.  I  realize 
gamblers come only to gamble, so is possible their C of C doesn't feel  it a 
necessity to communicate with us? 
Last year almost 500 entries brought along a crowd, probably the biggest  
ever to SW alone, that stayed for most of the SW's 10 days, and that's a  lot 
income to turn away. I guess we need a marketing major to explain this to  us. 
I can only assume the gambling/golfing crowd had notice far in advance to  
avoid this same situation. It seems over 50 years of putting money into  this 
area sure didn't earn a hell of a lot of respect....
Only recourse seems to be try again and pre-register late (sorry  Joannie)....
Bob W 

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