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Re: TD -- The Search for Oil Pressure

To: <>
Subject: Re: TD -- The Search for Oil Pressure
From: "Robert Allen" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 11:42:27 -0600
-----Original Message-----
From: John Seim <>

>I have experienced the same with the new Moss "Sock" filters. They
>appear to be a little (1/8") long, but once placed in the filter
>housing, and tightened, they are compressed, thus being "held" in place.

Yup, thats what I found. Although the "paint roller" element had metal
sleeves on the end and a metal core, it easily compressed when the bottom
bolt was tightened down.

>At least they now have marked instructions on the filter. The mesh
>screen end is to be placed at the top of the cannister. It is to trap
>the fabric, keeping any stray media from being pushed into the engine
>through the "U" pipe.

Oh, oh. The old filter did have a mesh, metal screen only a couple of inches
wide on one end of the element. The new filter had neither the screen or
insturctions. What it did have was a paper mesh screen around the 'sock
element. It appeared symetrical -- the card-stock thick mesh extends within
1/2 or so to each end of the sock.

>That knurled knob on the bottom of the oil pump is an oil pressure
>regulator. It was a racing accessory. It allows for increase or decrease
>of oil pressure, by applying pressure to the oil by-pass spring & ball.

Yeah, that's what I have heard. For the moment, I have not messed with it.
I'm still a little giddy that the little motor built pressure so well after
a thourgh cleaning and a new element and oil.

Now on to those damn doors. . .

Thanks for the feedback,

Bob Allen, Kansas City, '52TD#13588

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