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New Aftermarket Buick/Rover heads (not Wildcat)

To: "mgb-v8 list" <>, <>
Subject: New Aftermarket Buick/Rover heads (not Wildcat)
From: "JJJ" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 11:18:37 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
References: <>
Reply-to: "JJJ" <>
    I don't want to get anyone's hopes up yet, but I've been in touch with a
company that makes big-valve, improved flow heads for the Grand National
Buick V-6, the little brother to out beloved B.O.P.R.  Since they have done
all the R&D for the the improved 6-cyl head, all they need to do is add back
the one combustion chamber that was cut off in '64 when they made the V-6.
    This company has expressed interest in making the heads for Buicks and
Rovers at a price point that is better than the Wildcat heads (~$4000.00).
There 6-cyl heads go for ~$1600 a pair, so figure some increase.
    Anyhow, what it will depend on is the market size, so I'll tentatively
need to ask how many of you are interested in an improved head, and would
consider putting down ~$2000 (just a guess as price would depend on volume,
somewhat).  I'm not certain yet if that price includes the valvetrain.
    Also, if you all have some ideas for spreading the word to other
potential customers, please let me know.  If there is enough REAL interest,
we could make this a reality.

James Jewell
Editor/Publisher British V8 newsletter (soon to be)

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