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our directory

Subject: our directory
From: (Will Zehring)
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 1995 10:03:06 +0500
Fellow fiends:

Okay, the responses I've received have been unanimously in approval of the 
idea of a list directory.  So, here we go.  A few of you have already 
submitted your entries.  The rest of you who are interested may do so.  
Please post them directly to me:,  (i.e. not 
to the list in general).   Again, I'm thinking of a directory that lists...

-e-mail address
-locale of residence (city/town;province/state;country)
-MGs owned (i.e. model, year, body style if appropriate)
-other "cool" cars owned (At least so Greg M. won't feel so ...strange!)

Of course, this is voluntary (what else could it be?).  I don't think we 
need to get into phone numbers and street addresses.  If anyone on the list 
wishes to get in contact with anyone else on the list, they may do so first
via e-mail.  

At some point later on in March I will post the first version of the 
directory.  Check it for errors and post back to me.  If at any point you 
want to be removed from the directory; your entry modified or corrected; 
just e-mail directly to me.  

Cheers, and keep those cards and letters coming!

Will "List maker, list maker, make me a list" Zehring

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