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Re: mgb turn signals

To: James Robert Mcdougal <>
Subject: Re: mgb turn signals
From: Marc Steinberg <>
Date: Sat, 6 May 1995 07:16:47 -0700 (PDT)
I once had a similar problem with a '76 B's turn signals.  My local 
witch-doctor turned MG wizard explained that for some reason known only 
to Lucas, the turn signals are wired ONLY _through_ the hazard switch.  
The hazard switches are especially susceptible to corrosion and 
what not, and when they go bad, so do the turn signals.  Replace your 
hazard switch and you should be on your way!

Another solution is to pick up an early B -- they have better electrics 
all around, IMHO.  Hope this helps!

-- Marc

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