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investment advice sought

Subject: investment advice sought
From: (Will Zehring)
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 1995 12:52:49 +0500
Fellow fiends:

tangential lbc content here:

"My" broker (who is one of us; he owns a  late-50's Morgan +4 dhc) has 
suggested an investment managed by the brokerage firm he works for (which 
shall remain nameless) that is a sort of mutual fund.  The problem is that 
Lucas Electronics (Electrics?) is one of the principal holdings in this 
fund.  Should I buy it?   This isn't the Triumphs list so its okay for me to 
make jokes about electical fires in Spits (I personally know of two), but 
seriously...   would you own stock in Lucas?

Will "taking the big ride up" Zehring

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