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MG Serial #s/Colour Codes

Subject: MG Serial #s/Colour Codes
From: (Williams/MG Guy)
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 20:58:19 -0300 (ADT)
Interesting debate going on here. I've been into MGs for over 20 years - but
I don't believe there's any number on the B (particularly) that designates
it's colour?! Is there? The alpha portion of the serial # designates: (this
is from the Graham Robson 'MGA/B & C - A Collector's Guide)

Typical Chassis # is G/HN5 U 234567 B

G = marque name, MG
H = engine type, 1400 to 1999ccin BMC line-up
N = 2-seater Tourer body (D = GT)
3/4 or 5 = model series
U = US market (no prefix for other markets)
Suffix after chassis # = A,B,C etc. Model year built. A denotes 1970 model
year, J is for '78 model year. This notation was introduced from the start
of the 1970 model year

I believe the only way to ruly determine the original colour of your
vehicle, is to have the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust do a search of
the files. Other than that, there's no other determining alpha or numeric
colour code designation on the car.

Now, for the moral questions: 1) Paint it whatever colour you like - it IS
your car 2) If and when it's sold, be upfront with the buyer about any
repaint or colour change, honesty is always the best policy.

While this has nothing to do with colours, I remember going to look at a B
parts car I'd heard about and found a roach of a roadster. The owner
exclaimed that it was a GT. No, I explained - the car I was driving - with
the steel roof and hatch, was indeed a GT. "So's this one" they exclaimed,
pointing out the cheap aftermarket steering wheel that did indeed have the
letters "GT" emblazoned on the hub. I left.

I also recall seeing an MG advertised in an Auto Trader publication some
years back that indicated the car had "genuine Undo wire wheels"!

Save us from the uninitiated.

BTW - pantyhose, pork rinds - what's this list coming too!? ;-)

A glorious sunny spring day here on the Atlantic coast of Canada. Made even
better with 3 MGs - all started, all parked in the driveway - gawd I love
these cars & the people who drive 'em!

Terry "loves the cars & people" Williams
'70 BGT
'68 roadster
'77 roadster
small oil stain in the drive where the '71 BGT parts-a-ramma used to be

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