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Subject: re:INSURANCE
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 15:29:12 -1000
>It may cost me 10 times as much, but at least I can use the car and not have 
>a trailer princess.

I've insured my Midget with my regular insurer (also happens to be State 
Farm, if that's worth anything).  Cost was actually a little less than 
insuring my pickup, full coverage, replacement cost at a value I placed on 
it, drive it as many miles as I want, park it when and wherever I want.
Basically it's just another car on my policy.  This might have something to 
do with where I live though.

As I understand it, the collector car and high performance car policies 
give special considerations in exchange for certain requirements, and 
should have reduced rates for those requirements.  Limited mileage on the 
car each year, parked in a locked garage, only driven when the sun shines, 
that sort of stuff.  Insurance companies don't like to pay, so if you have 
a high profile car they charge you more, unless you take precautions to 
reduce the insurance company's probability to pay a claim.  Less miles 
equals fewer chances of collision (I know, but that's what they say).  A 
locked garage means less chance of getting vandalized or stolen (again 
that's what they say).

I remember hearing something once about a snowflake lasting longer on a hot 
August sidewalk in Dallas Texas than a Porsche would last parked on the 
street in New York City.  Hmmm, maybe that's why I didn't buy a Porsche.

Mike (happy with my little MG Midget)

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