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Re: RE: MGs in the sun

Subject: Re: RE: MGs in the sun
From: (Jay Tilton)
Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 18:36:01 +0600
Denise Thorpe wrote:
>I agree with Ulix that rain is not a deterrent to driving with the top 
>down.  As long as I'm going over 30mph in my B, I don't get wet no matter 
>how hard it's raining.  But those stop lights are a killer.

Just wondering how tall you are, D.

Coming in at just a notch below six feet and riding with the seat way
back (took the little stop block off the track), I tend to get pelted
in the forehead by the drops that just slip over the windscreen.
Highway speeds produce a few stingers.

Anybody know where a person could get a leather aviator helmet and
goggles?  I used to have a pair of lab goggles in the car (nothing
worse than arriving for chem lab and having to go home to get
your goggles), but they weren't classy enough.  I want panache, baby!
Jay Tilton  |

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