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Bent boot lid

Subject: Bent boot lid
Date: Wed, 05 Jun 1996 11:05:24 -1000
>In the meantime, I'll be going to look at a '74 parts car with a special
>interest in the boot lid.

That's what I did for my '78 Midget.  Went to get parts from a guy parting 
out a '78, got several items I needed/wanted, and he threw in the boot 
(trunk) lid for another buck.  I got it for two reasons: 1st to practice 
body work on, 2nd to reinforce and add a rack to.

So if I blow the body work I've only wasted a buck on a spare part.
And if I do okay on the boot work I'll have a spare boot lid with an 
attached luggage rack, and reinforced bracketing to avoid future bending.

I also got the two rear shock absorbers/dampeners in good condition for
$20usd.  Did I do okay?

Mike Jaquet

ps, did you know that a Jeep front axel housing assembly will fit in the
    trunk/boot of a Midget?  It only stuck out a "few" feet. But I got it 
    home with no damage to the Midget or the housing.  :)

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