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Ottawa GOF

Subject: Ottawa GOF
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 22:43:20 -0400 (EDT)

Returned this week from the New England MGT Registers GOF in Ottawa Canada.  
Great City, great country and a great group who put on the four days of events. 
Anyone there must agree. (Peter was there in his PA ) (Yes Peter the chocolate 
bar with the P type was unusual with a left hand drive) 

My trip started in N.J. with two friends in their TDs. We drove the TF. From 
George Washington Bridge North we avoided all interstates. Up the Hudson on 9W 
across  to Hyde Park , a stop at the Vanderbuilt Mansion and by back country 
roads to Stockbridge Mass and the Red Lion Inn. (first rate New England Inn)

About an hour south of the Red Lion ,Jim Finne in our group remembered someone 
he had met lived in the area and owned a 54 TF that was factory new. We stopped 
and saw the car. It was incredable. This car has 5000 original miles and 
everything is original and new looking except the battery. The paint is fresh 
(red) and not faded. The seats are perfect and unfaded. The tires are original  
  This car is still in original ownership. The guy bought the car in early 55 
and was transfered for a couple of years outside the country. When he got back 
he had a new unused older car and decided to preserve it. He did. We might 
the thought of 40 years of fun lost in a closed garage, but the car is unique.  
The owner has every bill and invoice in a scrap book. The car has never been 
taken to a major show.

>From Stockbridge we crossed into Vermont and weaved up the state on twisty 
100 to near Lake Champlain. We spent the night at a bed and breakfeast on Isle 
Lamott on Lake Champlain. Absolutely beautiful. Next day we crossed upper N.Y. 
state and into Canada at Cornwall. Then onto Ottawa. Total distance in two and 
half days 680 miles. No problems but the occational TF mystery which will be a 
subject of another post. 

The weekend at Ottawa included a reunion of the 1986 OOTTT group  (50  T types 
from the Statute of Liberty to Santa Barbara Cal. and back to Toronto Canada in 
19 days) Twenty cars from that adventure were there including my TF.

We also had a fun rally of 50 miles through nearby Quebec Province that 
lunch in a small village. ( Great fresh French bread, cheese and pate) We also 
spent an afternoon at the air museum . I could have spent a week. The Friday 
affair was a costume dinner with a 20's theme (Rum Runners) it was great. Sat 
was car show on the mall in downtown Ottawa and the Awards Dinner. Those of you 
with T types have really got to go to a GOF. 

Home was by way of route 30 through the Adirondacks with an overnight in a 
Northvale bed and breakfeast on a lake. Beautiful. We in the East still have 
great roads and scenery for MGs. 

Sorry for long post

Mike Leckstein    

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