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Re: angry, hungry ? (Off list)

To: Phil Andrews <>
Subject: Re: angry, hungry ? (Off list)
From: (Syl's Sydney Homestay)
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 20:20:50 +1100 (EST)
Thanks Phil so its AGGRY.

This had me frustrated. Several respondents to the query suggested that it
was a trick question but I couldn't believe that such a common grouping of
letters would not create and ending for more than two words.

I wonder how many aggrys (or aggries ?) would be needed to purchase
Manhattan Island?

But I guess that's another question.

Thanks again.


>A quick web search turns up
>which has 38 possibilities, including "aggry" , a type of prehistoric bead,
>while has an essay on the
>subject giving aggry as the only one in Webster's (the OED has lots).
>-Phil Andrews ('74 Interceptor III)

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